Become a ‘Dementia Friend’ campaign

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Community news
Nottinghamshire County Council is calling for residents across the Dispatch district to sign up to be a Dementia Friend.

The initiative is part of a new campaign run in conjunction with Public Health England and the Alzheimer’s Society.

The council is also holding sessions to help colleagues to become Dementia Friends and improve how they interact with people living with the condition, and is encouraging other organisations to sign up.

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A national campaign is aiming to register one million Dementia Friends across the country by 2015 in a bid to improve awareness and understanding of dementia which will help people living with the disease in their community to live more fulfilled lives.

Coun Muriel Weisz, chairman of Adult Social Care and Health Committee, and a Dementia Friend said: “Becoming a Dementia Friend is a really simple thing that everyone should do to help us start building a more dementia friendly society.”

Anyone can register as a Dementia Friend, either by attending a 45 minute information session, or now, by watching and interacting with an online video at