LETTER: Compared to mining, fracking should be walk in the park

Shale fracking rig. (s)Shale fracking rig. (s)
Shale fracking rig. (s)
With reference to the letter '˜Don't swallow all that you hear' from Paul Frost in the Chad of November 2. '¨Here we go again.

“In my view”, I suggest you read the facts before commenting on Fracking. I will direct you to an article by Peter C Glover, 10 Fracking Things That Everyone Should Know, Energy Tribune. 
Perhaps we shouldn’t make fracking a political football and think more about jobs and the future energy needs of this country. 
If Labour was in power and it was pushing for fracking and the jobs associated with it, would you and Sir Alan Meale be so against it? I don’t think so, especially if it employed thousands of ex-miners. 
Just one more point. Most of my family were in the mines, including my grandad and dad, and I was brought up with at least 12 pits within a five-mile radius with the earth tremors, subsidence, trains and lorries associated with it. Compared to that, fracking should be a walk in the park. Perhaps you should read your own headline, Don’t swallow all that you hear. 
How many people know the average depth of the water table and the depth of drilling for shale gas? 
Maybe that is a question worth asking because if you don’t know the answer how can you comment on this point?

Arthur Keeton



Money is the driving force behind fracking