Three-year-old starts house blaze in Sutton

Firefighters have urged parents to be vigilant after a three-year-old caused a house blaze by playing with a cooker ignitor.

Appliances from Ashfield and Mansfield were called out to the property at Brierley Cottages, Sutton, yesterday at about 3.20pm.

The infant had set fire to some laundry in a nearby basket and immediately alerted the adult in the house.

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Luckily, the home was fitted with a working smoke alarm, which had been activated by the smoke.

When firemen arrived the fire had almost been put out with a jug of water. The brigade was at the house for about an hour.

One adult and three children had evacuated the property and were unhurt.

A spokesman for Ashfield fire station said: “Parents should be careful with ignition sources and should realise the importance of working smoke alarms.”